Vacation is over, back to work. Boston was the most excellent vacation I've had in quite some time! It was my first time there and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute in while visiting. We returned late Saturday evening and I got a late start Sunday (6/24) after recouping and trying to get everything in order and ready for work.
Sunday, June 24 - I worked on the forward HS spar by match-drilling, dimpling and countersinking the HS-702, -710, and -714 parts. I worked to get the countersink cage set right on a scrap piece of aluminum. I dimpled the spar to mate with the countersunk spar braces. This takes a little finesse to get it just right. You don't want to take too much and it needs to be right so the parts have a really good fit. After all that, I finally pulled the parts together: HS-404, -405, -706, -707 and -708. I fluted all the ribs to get them ready to cleco together, creating the skeletal assembly. I need to finish the fluting (I'm trying to get the hang of this little chore. In time, I'm sure I'll be able to do it blindfolded). Fluting, for the lay person, is where you put small u-shaped bends between the rivet holes in the ribs. This is necessary because when the ribs are stamped at the factory, they end up with a little bend to them. Fluting "pulls" the part back into a flat shape so that the line of rivet holes on the flanges matches the line of rivet holes in the outer skin. You won't always be perfect doing this but you want to get it as close as possible so there's less work involved in getting your clecos in to hold the skin to the skeleton.
While I was on vacation, I received my torque wrench, tight-fit rivet set and my pencil deburring tools from Isham. I'm still waiting for my angle drill set and thin nose yoke that were back-ordered. I'll call them tomorrow and see what's up with the order. The Boston trip wiped me out. I walked about 10-12 miles while there.
HOBBS Meter - 15.0 hrs
Monday, June 25 - I finished preparing the ribs by fluting and checking the straightness of previously fluted ribs. I needed to straighten a few a little more, after having decided that the previous work was done a little late the previous night and may have been rushed a bit. It took me a little while to get the HS-404 and -405 nose and main ribs laid out with the drill holes. Again, measure twice, cut once. Pay close attention here as you drill two holes in the nose rib and two holes in the main rib. Later, you'll attach these and use them as "templates" to drill through the forward spar into the opposite rib and vice versa. Meaning you'll use the -404 rib as template to drill through the spar and -405 rib and the -405 rib as a template to drill through the spar and -404 rib. Clear as mud? You'll see. From the plans, you mark the upper and lower holes on the -405 rib, and the center 2 holes on the -404 rib. Moving on... Anyway, I was finally successful with this little task. It took a little while to interpret the the instructions and make sure I had the right (correct) parts in the correct location. After drilling the -404 and -405 parts, you're tasked with pulling from your inventory HS-706, -707 and -708 (ribs, 2 each) and marking them for left and right parts. Next, take -702 and -603PP, -706, -707 and -708 and cleco the whole shootin' match together. At this point, some holes are not the right size for clecoing in comparison with the part that they are suposed to be cleco'd with. In this case (head scratch, wheels turning, smoke developing), install your cleco from the other direction through the larger hole into the hole sized for your cleco. Took me a few seconds for the bulb to illuminate with this one. You'll match drill these holes next with a #30 bit.
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Left Horizontal Spar Substructure |
HOBBS Meter - 17.3 hrs
Tuesday, June 26 - I drilled the rib and spar attach holes to #30 except the HS-708 and HS-603PP per the plans (because right now, the parts aren't truely lined up and straight). I un-cleco'd, deburred, re-cleco'd then enlarged the HS-708 and -603PP to a #21. I put in the HS-404 and -405 ribs so I could mark the hole locations using the skin rivet holes (for reference on the part). The next step is to pull the parts back out and using the marks you just made for the "approximate hole location", you can flute between the them. After fluting, you draw a centerline down the rib flanges so you know where to line the holes up to the skin holes. Then you clamp the ribs in place. This lessens the chance of having edge distance issues when riveting later. Your ribs will be centerd almost perfectly on your skin holes. Next will be drilling the attach holes in the HS-404 and -405 using the HS-601PP skin as a drill guide. I'll pick up here next.
HOBBS Meter - 19.6
Wednesday, June 27 - I'm mostly match drilling tonight; left horiz. spar and final drilling the HS-404 and -405 nose and main ribs to the HS-601PP skin and getting everything straight. I only got the upper surface drilling completed. I also attached the HS-710 and -714 reinf. angles to get the main intersection fo the -404/-405 ribs, -710 fwd spar and skin together tight, clamped and match drilled. Seems to look a little sloppy to start but as you cleco, everything comes together pretty well. I'm stopping here (noise abatement in the garage after 10:00) and will resume tomorrow.
HOBBS Meter - 21.0
Thursday, June 28 - I completed the left strabilizer by match drilling HS-601PP skin to the rib/spar assembly. I started the right side by duplicating all steps and procedures of the left side (above). I stopped at the point where I am ready to match drill all remaining holes in the skin to a #40. I'll pick up here tomorrow.
HOBBS Meter - 24.0
Friday, June 29 - I completed the right stabilizer by match drilling HS-601PP skin to the rib/spar assembly. I match drilled the HS-710 and -714 reinf. angles to the fwd spar. At this point, you remove the skin, giving accessibility to match drill the remaining outboard holes in the reinf. angles to the fwd spar. At this point, you disassemble the remaining left and right horiz. stab skeleton (sub-structure) and debur all holes in the ribs and spars. Next will be cleaning all the edges of the spars/ribs then dimpling them along with the skins.
My plan is to try to post at least every other day. Lately, I've been burning the candle at both ends and trying to pack as much in a day as possible, which limits my being able to post before I retire for the evening. We'll see how things go with that. I'll also work on taking lots more pics of the processes for reference and post them along with the dialog to follow along easier. I've been taking them but not the really detailed kind that I really need. Thanks for your patience. Take Care and Thanks for Reading!
HOBBS Meter - 26.5