Monday, October 3, 2011


Hi Gang! I plan to use the next posts to catch you up and give you a little more info about me and where I am with my yet, unstarted project. My profile is a little limited with what I can post there.

Regarding my current flying situation, I'm current in C-152s and 172s. As a matter of fact, last Friday I got checked out in a more powerful, 180hp C-172. I don't have any endorsements yet but plan to move up the ladder. I'd like to work on complex and high performance. Don't know which one first but we'll see what's available and what finances will allow. There are a couple of Piper Arrows at my FBO,, on Fox Field KWJF. So, I'll get some time in those so I have more availability of planes to rent. I'm also very interested in getting IFR rated.

I've been researching information about building for quite sometime. I've looked at a lot of other blogs and don't have any final decisions regarding props or engines, let alone avionics and interiors. A lot of information to weigh in on. I suppose once I have the kit in my garage, decisions will come a little more promptly. Right now, weight is a bit of a concern so that will direct some of those decisions.

I've pretty much decided on a vendor for a RV tool kit. I'm pretty sure I'm going with Isham tools for their kit, If anybody has any input or suggestions, I'm open. It seems to be the best kit so far, especially with the dimpler. I have a small compressor now but nowhere near what I'll need for the task. I'll be getting a 30 gal. compressor later. I have many of the other power tools that I've seen other builders using.

Right now, I'm working on the website to get it cleaned up and straightened out. Please let me know what you think. I always welcome input.

That's about it for now. Thanks for reading and in the words of many other builders, KPR (keep pounding rivets)!

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